Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Begin a healthy lifestyle in 5 Steps!

Healthy living and healthy eating are not two different concepts. If you want to understand how to get healthy you must first take a look at your eating habits before your fitness routines can take hold. I come across many people in my travels who assume that just because they work out in the gym ( Cycling/spinning, lifting weights) or using the treadmill for a half hour at a level that is comfortable is good enough and they then can go home and eat what they want when they want.

Fitness should not just be about losing weight. It is a part of a overall health and wellness program. While we exercise to lose added weight, exercise can help keep off the weight by maintaining our ideal weight IF we take into consideration some valuable insights that need to be adopted as a lifestyle change.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

For ladies only

It is hard to accept our bodies as they are. It's even harder to accept that the way our bodies look now has not always been the way they looked and the more we look at ourselves the more we become defeated. Especially when it comes to the odd looking areas of lumps and bumps that shouldn't be there; most of us have these spots, you know the areas of accumulated cellulite.

Cellulite is the problematic looking areas of fat deposits on a woman's body. We have all given it a specific nick name; orange peel butt, cottage cheese thighs to name a few but the clinical names for cellulite are: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy. Yes let's just stick with cellulite shall we?

Monday, May 18, 2015

March against Monsanto

Monsanto is a United States company that was founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny. From humble beginnings, John Queeny began producing a sweetener called saccharin and nearly 20 years later his company had established itself in the European market producing Aspirin and chemicals that helped to process rubber. The portion of the company that remained in the United States would go on to produce chemicals such as sulfuric acid.

The long history of Monsanto is readily available to read as it soon became a leading manufacturer of plastics and synthetic fibers. Today it remains one of the top 10 listed chemical companies world wide. A producer of 'Agent Orange', light emitting dioed, aspartame ( Now called Amino sweet) and bovine growth hormone, Monsando has branches in almost every niche in every corner of a world wide market. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Organic foods; they do a body good

Making the choice to eat organic foods is something that we all can reap the benefits of. While they are more expensive, eating organic helps you to save in the long run by allowing you to live a life in peace and harmony with your body and mind; keeping those doctors visits to a minimum as you gracefully age with time.

Organic foods are foods that are grown in such a way that helps the food to retain their natural biochemical components. This ensures that those who eat these products are getting the maximum benefit from these foods. Because organic foods are strictly regulated by governing bodies, these food types are less likely to be treated with toxic chemicals or have chemical residues.

Studies show that chemical residues from inorganic farming build up in the body over time, creating an unhealthy environment that leads to what I call toxic shock. The chemicals accumulate in the body and these toxins are in the form of poisonous fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers to which all these form mild to severe toxicity and are life threatening; to all forms of life. Not to mention- GMO FREE!

Finding a cure for cancer is discovering that it is a metabolic disease

The majority of research and money spent trying to find a cure for cancer over the last 50 years has left cancer research no closer to finding a cure than when cancer was first discovered. The increasing annual expenditures of over 6 billion dollars that are funneled into cancer research world wide, has led two  prominent cancer research institutions to conclude that cancer is most likely not genetic in origin.

While there is money well spent into research and discovery of the many different types of cancers, it is believed that cancer in its initial stages begins at the onset of mutation on a cellular level. According to some scientists, cancer is best regarded as a group of diseases that originate from abdominal cellular growth that have the potential to spread throughout the body.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Change doesn't come easy.

Change isn't easy. It's hard to change because change means moving in a different direction. Change means altering ourselves through perception, action and or attitude. Change is difficult because it means having to take a long hard look at the one we face in the mirror.

It's often assumed that change has to become immediate and there for it is easier to keep things as is even though you know as is is not as it should be, nor is it what you want it to be. Change is for the better although it may look like it is for the worst, but that's only because changing on one's own is fearsome because it is foreign as there is no measure to keep in step with.

Change doesn't have to be so hard. Change means moving ahead, putting one foot in front of the other and doing what you can in attempts to progress forward. But the trick is to not stymie yourself by making changes without setting goals.

I can help you with that!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Warning: Sitting for long periods of time is not heart healthy.

The average person spends 9 hours a day sitting and although you may not smoke or have any desire to start, sitting for long periods of time has unhealthy effects on the body much in the same way that smoking does.

Okay so your lungs won't become black with tar from sitting, and your taste buds will not become desensitized to certain amounts of foods creating the need for you to pour on the salt. The point is sitting causes a lifestyle that is just as harmful on the body but in other ways that are comparable to the harmful effects of smoking.